About the course

This course will teach the students what is Cosmos DB and how you can migrate MongoDB and Cassandra workloads to Cosmos DB.

Audience profile

The primary audience for this course is database developers who plan to migrate their MongoDB or Cassandra DB workloads to Azure using Cosmos DB.

Job role: Data Engineer


Successful students start this role with a fundamental knowledge of cloud computing concepts and professional experience in configuring NoSQL applications.


  • The fundamental concepts of partitioning, replication, and resource governance for building and configuring scalable NoSQL applications that are agnostic of Cosmos DB API.

  • Experience with Azure, such as deploying and managing resources

To gain these skills, take the following free online training before attending the course:


For queries, feedback or assistance

Contact Enterprise Skilling Initiative Support

Name: Suhaib Siddiqui
Phone: +91 9650807686
Email: esi.registrations@in.ey.com